empty road

Surviving 47


Papa Mike

Find Purpose, Resilience, and Hope Together During Uncertain Times.
Tired of watching the chaos unfold?
Fed up with the lies, the division, the feeling that the deck’s stacked against you?

It’s time to fight back. Surviving 47 with Papa Mike isn’t just another podcast—it’s a survival guide and a battle cry. I’m Mike Donovan, and I’ve turned personal tragedy into a mission to inspire and empower.

We’ve faced storms before, but this one? This one’s different. If you’re angry, scared, pissed off, or just exhausted, you’re not alone—and you’re not powerless.

This show dives into mental health strategies, physical resilience, grassroots activism, and finding hope when it feels impossible. This isn’t just talk. It’s a blueprint for surviving and thriving under an administration that threatens everything we stand for.

You don’t have to sit on the sidelines while the world burns. Together, we can fight smarter, stand stronger, and build a future worth believing in.

Surviving 47 with Papa Mike. It's Raw. It's Real. It's your survival toolkit for the next chapter of America’s chaos.
No storm lasts forever. Let’s get through this—together.

Surviving Together

Navigating challenges with resilience, purpose, and hope amidst uncertainty and division in our communities and country.

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red and white coca cola signage
red and white coca cola signage